Tag Collective Arts
The England and Wales Cricket Board provide a new meaning to the word 'test' in their brand new spot, leading into the cricket test matches this summer!
The spot is centered around the preparation and sacrifice needed to compete on and off the field, with cricket being at the heart of the journey.
Check out our work on the film with colour grade, online and audio.
Credit to:
ECD: Matt Campbell
Director: Hugh Rochfort
Producer: Jordi Estapé Monserrat
EP: Ore Okonedo
DOP: Jake Gabbay (WPA)
DOP: Tom Revington
Marshall Street Editors
Editor: Owen O'Sullivan
Tag Collective Arts
Colourist: Alex Nerzic
VFX: Tim Davies
VFX: Louis O'Connell
Producer: Andy Salem
Sound: Nick Olsouzidis
Hugh RochfortDirector -
Jake GabbayDOP -
Jordi Estapé MonserratProducer -
KnuckleheadAgency -
Louis O'ConnellVFX -
Marshall Street EditorsAgency -
Matt CampbellECD -
Ore OkonedoEP -
Owen O'SullivanEditor -
Tim DaviesVFX -
Tom RevingtonDOP -
Tag Collective Arts -
Andy SalemProducer -
Alexandre NerzicColourist -
Nick OlsouzidisSound