Range Rover's 'Dragon Challenge' was filmed in China and features Le Man 24-hour class winner Ho-Pin Tung. Ho-Pin Tung braves 99 hair pin turns up the most dangerous mountain road in the world, before becoming the first vehicle ever to climb the 999 steps of Tianmen Mountain up to 'Heaven's Gate'.

Big Chop Editor Colin Sumsion was on set during the filming of the project and worked closely with the creative team at both Spark44 and Carnage and also our Big Buoy flame and colour artists throughout.

Colin says, 'I began working with Tom after he had finished the paper edit of the translated Chinese and English interviews. Together we created a structure from the interviews of the challenge, all the incredible characters, our driver and the support team. In the past we would have had very clear cut-offs between edit lock, colour grading and VFX. Not so much now. In this instance, shortly after starting the edit worked commenced on rough VFX.'


Who pooled - Dragon Challenge