Suvasis Arya Script Writer


i have a funny text about a Rumbletum
WHeN a Rumbletum roars is a horror story for very small children....
(but we don't want to scare very small children...
- a monster that emerges from the sea and scares other creatures with his roar.
On each page a different creature will repeat the same letter a lot - educational rhymes.
''Zoltan the zebra zig-zags as he zooms'' etc...
there is a global village with many different nationalities and their costumes too
This crowd fleeing scene can be digitally altered to include a picture of the whole class running - or the child's family.
In the end there is a funny twist.
A little deaf lady who did not run is loomed over by the monster...
but when she turns around - we see she has his face type... she is his mummy.
"respect your mummy, monster1" is the theme- alongside the alphabet.
Text has been ready foR Ten years !!!
i need an illustrator. this can be a copyright able property 50% each writer and artist - huge potential sales and cartoon too??


  • suvasis aryaClient