Leo Grubyi Copywriter, Content Strategist, Editorial Manager


Welcome to the All-Inclusive Guide To Web Content Writing and Copywriting. If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming an expert in your industry and getting involved in content writing and web promotion, but aren’t sure how to get started, this book will give you answers. Divided into 8 easy-to-digest sections, it presents practical advice for every step of establishing a successful professional image in the English-speaking world.

This e-book gives a solid look at the field of web content writing, content marketing, SEO copywriting, technical and UX writing, and editing from professional non-native speaker's perspective. This edition is full of helpful educational, professional and self-development courses, books, podcasts, and training programs; it’s crammed with credible sources and links to reliable online tools, websites, and apps available for freelance writers – both beginners and experts.

This guide is devoted to those new to the content writing practice and those who are in search of a clear idea of what this highly profitable direction involves - with a particular focus on personal development and strategic planning.

It’s designed for anyone looking to start a writing career and build a professional network: expert writers and newbies, editors and content managers, geeks and journalists, teachers and tutors, linguistic students and bloggers. Whether you lack imagination or information about the required direction or motivation to keep moving forward, this guide is just for you!

The goal is to give learners the knowledge and confidence required to improve their writing craft, assist in putting together individual content writing plan for maximum productivity. The techniques and tips you’ll unlock are not a top-secret and universal remedy but actual advice and sound recommendations to implement in your strategy. If you apply the included guidelines and hacks wisely, they will help you make reasonable choices and ensure the competence of your writing.

All-Inclusive Guide To Web Content Writing and Copywriting is a must-have e-book for any non-native English writer who aims to take his or her writing career to the next level.

P.S. I’d love to hear your feedback. Drop me an email, and I’ll do my best to satisfy any possible queries you might have.


All-Inclusive Guide To Web Content Writing and Copywriting



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