Sue Yates Freelance Graphic Designer


National Trust is a renowned national heritage organisation in the UK, dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings, land and places of interest.

National Trust have engaged with me over the years requesting the design of different visitor information support, promotional items for various events and illustrated map designs showing property layouts.

On this occasion, National Trust requested I design a visitor welcome guide for one of their Welsh properties, Erddig Hall and Gardens, in Wrexham.

As well as a map and walking guide of Erddig and its grounds, the visitor guide design encompassed the family history of days gone by – how the family lived, family relationships with staff at Erddig, as well as the family’s warmth in welcoming locals to Erddig house and gardens for all to explore and enjoy.

National Trust have their set brand guidelines which are adhered to, whilst adding my own creative touches to each project.


  • National TrustClient

Who pooled - Visitor Property Guide and Map