Snorri Sturluson Creative


Stígamót a center for survivors of sexual violence is an Icelandic NGO. In additon to serving survivors, Stígamót has a sub-brand called Crazy Love, that serves as an educator on sexual violence, boundaries and communication in intimate relationships for young people.
Crazy Chat is an online anonymous chat support line for 13-20 year olds to ask questions and receive consultation on complicated issues such as relitaionships, sex, boundaries, sexual violence and anything else pertaining to the sexual experience during this delicate phase in youngs people´s development.

The creative campaign for the brand Sjúkást (Crazy Love) that included the naming the product: "Sjúkt Spjall" (Crazy Chat), creating the identity for the product as well as advertising communications for the launch of the project.


  • Steinunn Gyðu og GuðjónsdóttirClient

Who pooled - Crazy Chat