Si Keane UX/​UI Designer & Front-End Dev


A clean and modern website redesign for the International Wine and Spirit Competition to promote the prestigious nature of this reputable brand. The client was looking for a design that would showcase the distinguishable nature of the competition through a modern and clean aesthetic.

The new site uses carefully curated imagery and whitespace to convey the reworked colour palette, as opposed to pronounced blocks of colour to ensure a minimal and balanced design. The use of subtle animation and accents guide the users’ gaze through the pages, making the high quantity of copy more digestible and visually satisfying. The balance between copy and imagery offers a more pleasing user experience and draws the eye to more essential content such as the Entry Zone. This account area has also been given a slight rework to ensure the clean aesthetic of the CMS site carries through to the in depth entry process and streamlines the process.

Ensuring the high quantity of content from the old site was transferred to the new design while establishing a minimalistic style was paramount. The stripped back full screen navigation allows all content within the site to still be easily accessible but removes the opportunity for a potentially cluttered header. The inclusion of targeted landing pages not only allows for better SEO opportunities, it also showcases the content in a more attractive form through photography and carefully designed components for essential features such as events, news and deadlines.

The site is built within a flexible, user-friendly CMS to create the custom digital experience required by our client. This ensures the minimalist style of the site components can be maintained while allowing the site to be fully editable by the IWSC team.


  • IWSCClient

IWSC Redesign

