Sebastian Bonilla Copywriter


Every minute, thousands of red flags are posted on social media. They seem like normal emojis, but they alert women about possible gender-based violence situations that are not evident and may become normalized. These warning signs, however, can get lost among all the content on social media.

Pilsener, Ecuador's #1 beer, leaned on its strongest territory: soccer, to give these warning signs more visibility. For International Women’s Day the brand brought the virtual red flags into the real world.

Before an official national men’s league match, Pilsener invited 4 female players from Liga de Quito to switch the 4 red flags on the pitch with the most common red flags shared by its digital community. The stunt triggered a widespread conversation, reached millions of fans, and generated a repository with access to counseling from specialists.

1200 red flags spotted
5 million fans reached
16 clubs joined
6 foreign leagues reached
3,4 million interactions
10 NGO' s allied

A new medium created (The Red Corner Flag)


  • Arturo StaceyClient
Project featured: on 23rd July 2024

Spot Th Red Flags


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