Sara Starling Voiceover Artist


Concept : A timeless film to inform and educate audiences on the impact of chemical pollution on whales and dolphins, using the West Coast orca population as an example.
The story is told from the viewpoint of Lulu, one of the West Coast Community orcas in Scotland - & her orca family.

Execution: I'd recommended Kilogramme Animation to WDC & they created this beautiful animation after I'd recorded the voiceover.

It's a moving, personal story and WDC asked if I'd voice it in a West Coast of Scotland accent, as that's where Lulu was from. It's not an accent I've been asked for before, so I went away, did my homework & with the help of a fellow voiceover who's from that part of the world, nailed the accent well enough for WDC to say: "Just to confirm, Charlie, our Adopt a Dolphin Field Officer who is very, very Scottish has given his thorough approval."

I wanted people to feel engaged, moved and motivated to take action and from the messages I've received, it seems to have hit the spot.


  • Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC)Client

Who liked - Toxic Tides - Lulu's Story