Samuel Johnson Graphic Designer


This project looked at the development of a data visualisation piece which would visual represent the average yearly price per pound of both coffee and sugar from 1974 - 2018. This final data visualisation would then be used by HSBC Global Private Banking to help inform their customers and employees about the trends that the data shows, as well as to be used as an installation to help promote HSBC Global Private Banking to potential customers.

The HSBC work implemented here has not been accepted for commercial use by HSBC


The creative concept behind this installation is to portray the fluctuation of the average price of both coffee and sugar over a 45 year period from 1974 to 2018. The reason behind using the data of both coffee and sugar is that they are both commodities which people use on a regular basis, meaning that people do not usually give the original price of the commodities a second thought. These two data types were also chosen as they are not the most exciting commodities to deal with, so designing an interesting data visualisation would help people to become more interested in trading with them.

The final visual representation of the data had both primary and a secondary aims. The primary aim of the final visual representation of the data is to be engaging and useful for employees and customers of HSBC and HSBC Private Banking. The secondary aim of the final visual representation of the data is to help people who are not customers of HSBC to engage with the brand, as well as to give them information about the average coffee and sugar prices for the past 45 years. These aims will be fulfilled by creating a printable piece of graphics, which can be placed not only in the HSBC lobby/customer waiting area, but also in airports to get the attention of people who are not currently customers with HSBC.


Project featured: on 6th June 2019

Data Visualisation - HSBC Global Private Banking

