About me

Samantha is a passionate Graphic Designer. She is adaptable, ambitious, curious, confident and a down to earth person, which basically means she is hard working and a lot of fun to be around. She has a real passion for Design, which means much more to her than just sitting in front of a computer and making ugly things beautiful. Design to her means to help inspire peoples minds everyday with her work. She has workd on everything from packaging, layout, illustration and everything print based.

She has worked at ATL, BTL and TTL agencies, she adapts relatively easily and has a bubbly and positive persona. Samantha has worked with a team and has managed creatives in her working experience. She has over 5 years of advertising experience, and has also worked in the hosting field which means her people skills are exceptional.

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London, London, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 2 September 2013