Man Down is a Cornwall based non-profit Community Interest Company. They provide informal peer-support talking groups all over Cornwall for men with mental health concerns throughout the county. The goal is to end the stigma associated with suicide, by providing informal, safe and relaxed environment for men of all ages 18+ who are struggling with any kind of mental health issues. Sessions are designed to be as inclusive as possible with no judgement, only support and understanding from people who can be there to listen and support men who are struggling to cope.
This brand stands as one of the most challenging but rewarding projects I’ve ever worked on. Creating an identity that needed to connect with people at their lowest required a simple and thoughtful approach, tapping into feelings of despair, loneliness and isolation. The main brand narrative is driven by the concept of “a loss of identity” using a faceless man monogram to create a simple mark that translates easily without being too judgemental. This was overly important, as men find talking about their feelings hard enough without trying to add additional layers to a brand that needed to be accessible at every level.
The result is a brand that has grown organically to accommodate over 50 individual meets across the county, providing support to hundreds of me every week that continue to battle with thor mental health. By providing a safe access point to getting support over 600 men have been through therapy guided pathways that have helped them to cope, and prevented them from making the truly terrible decision of ending their life.
The brand has been integral to the reach, and engaging with so many men across a variety of different ages and demographics. Together we can and have ended the stigma and the number of male suicides in Cornwall.