When Russia began invading Ukraine, Red Bee Creative, reached out to a design agency in Kyiv, called Twid.
What began as a simple, “Can we help?” evolved into a great friendship, a new and exciting
collaborative way of working, and a fantastic sourse of creative inspiration.
We became Twins.
We then decided that this rich creative collaboration and invaluable support should be
shared by others, and it led to the creation of an exciting initiative.
By Twinning with a Ukrainian Agency, creatives and creative companies can become
creative allies. They will be able to work collaboratively with an agency from one of the
fastest growing and innovative countries for creativity.
Twinning enables Ukrainian agencies to continue producing creative magic, whilst keeping
their industry alive in a time of way.

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Twinning (Noun): A supportive partnership between creative companies in a time of conflict.
To Twin (Verb): A form of supportive, creative partnership with a like minded agency in Ukraine.

"Why on earth did it take a war to introduce us to Twid?" – Jane Fielder, Head of Design at Red Bee Creative


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