About us

Rebelz Games is a fresh, innovative and dynamic entertainment company based in the Netherlands. We operate from the great city of Rotterdam with a multi-cultural staff which is the key and life line in our concepts.

In an era where online gaming is the standard, we bring back the excitement, brotherhood and love that we used to experience playing board games. But after 75 years of playing Monopoly it was time for some refreshness, that’s where MadWish came from.

It took us only two months after our release in the USA to become the best selling board game at Spencers Gift, the largest specialty gift store chain in the USA.

We’re from the street and so is MadWish. In MadWish you can choose from six sub-cultures; Punkers, Maffiosi, Rastafari’s, Skaters, Ravers or Rappers. Pick whatever fits, throw the die and beat, drink, rob, snitch or pimp your friends into your bitches and hook them up in the darkroom to win the game! That's why only one rules applies: Don’t Hate me, Hate the Game!

Daring, innovative and unique are keywords for our games. We’re taught to color inside the lines but we say screw that. We color where we want, we stand where we want to and we play how we want to play. Dare to be different!

MadWish, download the App at Itunes or Google Playstore!

Since 2012 we're expanding to your TV. We think your TV needs also a better vibe to bring the joy back into your life.

Battle2date - Dating show.
U Can't Touch This - Quiz show.
Unspoken Words - Talk show.
Back to the Teacher - Quiz show.

If you would like to see pictures of the people that brought more joy to your life than toilet paper, look up the words “awesome, fantastic, brilliant, amazing, beautiful or remarkable” in Google. If you find images of people that fit these words, it's probably us.
©All (sub)tittles, logos, colors, designs and formats of our programs are registered by FRAPA.

We leave you with a quote from our founder:
'If your life is empty, add colours to make it rich again!'

#111 Ranked Gaming Company
Currently No Client Rating
Creativepool member since 21 February 2017