Rebecca Hendin Illustrator


I drew a series of seven portraits for Mariam Ansar's BuzzFeed article researching and discussing why certain fictional princesses should be seen as feminist role models.

A fun challenge in this project was turning fictional characters - some of whom were recognisable from being played by real people in films, and some who only existed as basic cartoons in comics/animation - into a set of semi-realistic, stylised portraits that looked like part of a cohesive series, while remaining true to their original forms.


studiopro:Rebecca was verified as a studiopro on 18th March 2022 Annual 2018 ShortlistBuzzFeed: Feminist PrincessesIllustration Contributor:

Rebecca Hendin has been a Contributor since 1st May 2020.

Invite x3

BuzzFeed: Feminist Princesses

