Toby Anthonisz Freelance Art Director


To keep up in the fierce, break out industry of online advertising fraud protection, Telemetry develops products to match and counter those of it's competitors to remain ahead of the field. The public facing voice of Telemetry has always been bold and loud, exposing the complicity of advertisers and vendors, winning new partners and enemies along the way.


Create awareness of a new Telemetry product, that offers the same fraud protection that two new upstarts charge for, for free. The initial marketing channel was through an email one-pager, this grew however to a banner and mini-site campaign and OOH conference take-over.


The goals of the brief reminded me of the T-Mobile's "Uncarrier" campaign, which saw it take 22 million customers from Verizon and AT&T. The tone of voice was perfect for Telemetry, which already had a history of talking very bluntly about their own virtues and the vices of others. For the look, I felt that the words themselves should make up the whole of the design to be most impactful.

Email One Pager Drafts

Telemetry colours have always been exclusively just black and white, to exemplify the company's core ethos of truth and transparency. However, as the company is now well established I felt it was time for the company to refresh their look with a more premium block grey. Handily, the two rival companies being targeted in this campaign both use the same orange as their key colour, which enabled me to use it against them by using it to highlight parts of the text, sending a not so subtle indication as to at whom it was aimed.


After presenting the strategy and designs to the MD and CEO, the project was elevated from a single to a multi channel campaign. I was then tasked with translating the one pager designs to standard banners.

Next... Mini-Site & OOH

As the product is still in development, this campaign is currently lying in wait. Once ready, there will be a homogeneous Mini-site and conference take over OOH


AVOC for Free

