About me

My name is Naleli Seseli and I do a lot of stuff.

I am an AFDA alumna that majored in editing (Premiere Pro) and directing and since graduating, I have had a bit of external experience in directing. I interned for the Multichoice Taken Factory where I was a 2nd AD for 3 out of 4 films. with regards to editing, I have opened up my journey into photoshop and have been learning that for over 2 years now.

I aspire to be an actress and have worked on some projects with the likes of Disney Africa, MAQ & SABC.

I currently work at Slammer Productions as a junior producer and I have been enjoying learning the ropes of production and becoming an experienced producer.


Acting, Copywriting, Creative Direction, Editing, Painting, Performing Arts, Photography, Photoshop, Problem Solving, Producing, Radio, Script Writing, Singing, Video Production

Sector Experience

Communications, Entertainment, organising, Production, recon

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Johannesburg, South Africa
Skill Level
English, Zulu & Sotho
Creativepool member since 16 October 2023