About me

I am a Ringling College of Art and Design graduate who is currently Paris based, with my hometown in Boston where I travel to often. I enjoy exploring styles, mediums, and pride myself on detail and accuracy. I have a great understanding of composition and color, and have had experience gearing my art towards different audiences. I have learned skills in vector illustration, procreate, and expanded my expertise in photoshop paintings through my most recent Illustration and Design internship at Life Beyond Studios (Paris), and a prior internship with MOTE aquarium and laboratory (Florida).
My work isn't always the "Disney-esque ready-to-hire" style that recruiters seek. I have a more out-of-the-box style that is evolving everyday, influenced by nature around me and my daydreams. However, I seek to amaze and inspire, engage and entrance. My interests include, splash illustration, botanical illustration, cover art, and graphic novels. I am always looking to be able to partake in making an impact in our future by maintaining a greener world and understanding the importance of climate change.
Please see my instagram @zazelezele for my most recent work.

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
Paris, France
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight
English, French
Creativepool member since 22 September 2023