About me

My experience spans across 25 years of storytelling as an art director, copywriter, player/coach, creative director, and ECD conceptualizing earned, digital, experiential, and traditional multi-media campaigns for Fortune 500 companies. That was the brief bit.
What I believe makes effective and great creative work is being part of a team that also believes that it all begins by defining what our clients are providing, and not just what they're selling. I've got a few strange looks when I've asked that question.
So, I give them an example. Let's go with Jeep, which I spent many years working on. I explain that though we were selling 4x4 vehicles, what we were actually providing to people was freedom. For most, it clicks right away with a "Your right. Absolutely right." That's the insight that we built the Jeep brand from which made it famous. I live to try and make brands famous. Into proverbial rock stars. I try hard.

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Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Remote
Dearborn Heights, United States
Skill Level
Senior, Director
Creativepool member since 25 July 2023