Rebecca Payne Account Manager


Founded in 1907, Jakemans is a true Edwardian thrill for the senses. This new TV ad For Jakemans builds on their heritage and brand equity to bring a more premium, vibrant and contemporary feel.

The Fortune Taster brings a new dimension of delicious flavour to Jakemans’ well-established reputation for powerful menthol. With a taste of Jakemans, an automaton is brought to life in beautiful stop-motion to deliver a marvellous prediction of what lies in wait for your tastebuds.

We chose stop-frame to convey a sense of hand-crafted care and attention. We knew this would add the premium feel and enduring charm that the brand was looking for. While the papercraft style brought rich colour and a contemporary feel.

Brand elements were woven throughout, right down to the buttons on the Automaton’s vest; lighting was a key factor, adding depth and mood. Music and sound were also a huge part of the ad. The rich and resonant VO, the clever sound design that moves you around the space, and the bespoke music track that re-invents the classic circus tune to give us an ownable sound to match the stages of the story – it all comes together to live up to being an Edwardian thrill for the senses and is a total joy to watch and rewatch.


  • JakemansClient
Project featured: on 23rd April 2024

Marvel in the menthol with Jakemans



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