Mark Hill 3D Artist


Johnnie Walker / Blue Label bar
Personal drinks collaboration with CGI artist Mark Hill. The first in a series of whisky images combining photography and CGI. We wanted to create a futuristic bar-like scene centred around the Johnnie Walker brand and celebrate their famous Blue Label product. The idea was to encapsulate the famous striding man logo (re-designed by Gary Redford in 2015) in shiny tiles on the end of protruding bottle impressions. The wireframe render shows how we integrated the bottle photography with the CG elements.
Art Direction: Giles Angel and Mark HillPhotography: (Bottle glass part and label) Giles AngelCGI:(Background, plinth, glass, ice and bottle cap and cord) Mark HillRetouching: Angel Retouch

Project featured: on 14th July 2023

Johnnie Walker - Blue Label

