About me

I'm a computer scientist with 9 years of experience in the industry and research institutions in which I worked in the domains of machine learning, statistics, software development, and system architecture. I finish my . studies at the University of Toulouse, LAAS/CNRS, France, in 2023. I did the research for the European project ETN-SAS in the intersection of three domains: computer vision, safe AI, and autonomous vehicles. I apply several techniques from statistics, ML, and software engineering, to ensure safe decisions of ML-based perception tasks of autonomous vehicles at runtime. Before it, I obtained a master's degree in Systems Engineering and Computing at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2018), working with machine learning (ML) applied to dynamic environments. I also have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science fr Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (2014).

Sector Experience

Computing (Software)

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Toulouse, France
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Creativepool member since 26 February 2023