Reed Words London


Founded in 2007, Byron broke the mould of the cookie-cutter burger joint, providing an innovative menu served in restaurants with specially curated interior design reflective of the idiosyncrasies of the neighbourhoods in which they resided. Over time, Byron’s brand positioning and identity system became consumed by inconsistency and complexity. Our task was to rejuvenate Byron and create a simple, coherent, flexible brand expression system while respecting Byron’s eclecticism, eccentricity, and verve. Burger artistry became the brand essence, reflecting the flair and creativity poured into the menu and dining experience. Born from this context was the strapline, ‘Poetry in a bun’, a nod to Byron’s artistic flair.

In collaboration with Reed Words, we produced a playful (and often rhyming) tone of voice. Enter Byron’s lyrical mascot, George, the poetic pickle. Channelling the essence of the highly controversial English poet Lord Byron, George and his supporting cast bring the brand and menu to life with wit and mischief.


  • Famously Proper LydClient
Project featured: on 1st May 2023 Contributor:

Reed Words has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

Invite x3

Byron: Poetry in a Bun

