Beth Baines Head of Account Services


Spearheading the millennially-minded mobile movement, Three is one of the top Mobile Network Operators in the UK, being awarded the Best Network for Data for the second year running and continue to be a disruptor in the sector.

Following on from their brand repositioning in early 2018, SomeOne was commissioned to refresh and reinvigorate the brand, considering every element.

Three has a clear 5-year plan, to increase brand consideration and customer base, culminating in the UK reappraising the brand. A challenge we were keen to take on.

The new BrandWorld goes back to basics and draws influence from the most recognisable part of the brand – the symbol.

Ever present since the brands inception in 2003, the Three symbol is known far and wide. With the inner element, ‘The Mojo’, being the catalyst for the property.


A dynamic and flexible property that allows us to clearly brand any communication, no matter the medium, no matter the message, no matter the size.

The Mojo Cut works in conjunction with our colour palette. Clean, white and premium on the surface. An exciting melting pot of ‘Living Colour’ beneath.

Put simply, cut through the surface to release the world of Three.

"Working closely with The Mill, we crafted a number of Mojo Cuts to work across all brand touch points, from digital, to retail, to social. The beauty of creating the Mojo Cuts in a 3D digital environment allows us to flex from angle to angle. Aerial for brand centric communications, and Horizontal for trading pieces, in which the Mojo Cut forms a podium for the devices to be heralded." RICH RHODES, CREATIVE DIRECTOR, SOMEONE

"Within the Mojo Cut exists the thrilling world of Three, when cut open, anything can emerge – a Living Colour glow, an animated proposition with attitude or mobile-movement influenced typography, to name a few." GARY HOLT, FOUNDER, SOMEONE


We’ve also refined a typographic headline style that packs a punch. The short and snappy compositions highlight the emotional benefit of the brand, rather than labouring on the price, a trope of the telco sector. The expressive nature of the typography allows us to have a flexible hierarchy in which different words can be emphasised.

To support digital applications we’ve developed a style of photography that focusses on the emotional side of Three. The rationale is simple, if you’re a Three customer, what are the amazing things the brand allows you do? Whether it’s gramming an action-packed day in the city, or live streaming the big game, the content should always feel alive. The photography is also treated with Living Colour to add an extra element of ownability.

As the brand has a strong digital focus, we have created a full responsive set of iconography. From primary sales-focussed areas of the site, through to essential help services, catering for all the brands needs.

To further strengthen the brand, the styling of the iconography is also born out of the Three logo. Using dual line weights both adds ownability and allows us to be more descriptive and illustrative at larger sizes.

"Three is a global brand operating with unique local accents all over the planet. In the UK it’s famous for it’s irreverent angle and focus on the next generation of customer. We’ve long been fans of the ambition behind Three. So it’s been terrific to work with the teams across the brand to bring it all together to help realise it’s creative potential." SIMON MANCHIPP, FOUNDER, SOMEONE


All elements come together culminating in a cohesive BrandWorld, powered by Cloudlines. The online guidelines system enabling brand managers, agencies and suppliers, global access to brand assets 24/7.

The brand refresh has also led to us being appointed as brand guardians, for which we have built a bespoke digital tool to enable managers of the marketing and communications team to rapidly and easily connect with agencies to agree on-brand design work.

The age old issue of what constitutes ‘on brand’ has been semi-automated using a cloud-hosted tool that is universally accessible by those in the Three team.

"A suitably progressive approach has been taken to help capitalise on this reputation and to best manage it’s branding moving forward. Bespoke cloud technology, created by SomeOne is enabling the organisation to move efficiently at speed & scale. While hands-on craft and attention is focussed on specific high-priority projects resulting in faster, smoother and more inventive outcomes." BETH BAINES, SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER, SOMEONE

"Flexibility and ownability has been a key talking point throughout this process, and the new brand property gives Three the versatility for this approach. Allowing them to own seasonal campaigns like Black Friday." SHAUN TURNBULL, DESIGN DIRECTOR, SOMEONE

"The challenge to SomeOne was two-fold – deliver an identity that is future proof and mirrors the ambitions of our brand; and introduce ongoing guardianship across all touchpoints. Their collaborative nature, mixed with consumer insight and creative flair has delivered a personality that will serve our brand into the future." NICOLE TER HORST, HEAD OF BRAND, THREE


  • ThreeClient
Project featured: on 30th June 2023

Getting its Mojo back.

