About me

Having tons of things in your head and unsure of how to set those into words.

Being loud and probably vulgar outside but find yourself speechless in front of the class during an oral assignment despite it counting as 20% or more of your grade.

When asked in an interview to talk about yourself and you suddenly realize that you do not know who you are.

Looking at a popular meme or comment that has a ton of likes and you thinking damn I wish I said/posted that. One of those moments where you see cars standing in front of a church and being confused as to whether it actually is Saturday or Sunday on your way to work because you are off on Sunday prompting you to check your phone as to see what the day,date and year it genuinely is. When you decide to dial a number in a quiet classroom knowing that your phone does not have airtime and putting it on loudspeaker disrupting the entire class. Walking pass an upper class restaurant with an incompatible budget with the knowledge of knowing that you can only walk past it and can't go in there ,take photos of the menu or you can only do window shopping. When a taxi driver only has one eye and you imagining a fly going in there and all hell breaks loose. You notice that its 4 am and you haven't slept at all. Being able to stay up all night watching Netflix but can't study for ten minutes.

Motivational speakers stating that they opened up their very own successful chicken business with the use of only one feather. A book about a man driving a red car and the English teacher explaining the mans anger through the colour of the car. A SELFIE CAN KILL YOU a big insurance company that talks such nonsense. When random things pops up in your head such as like sands through the hour glass so are the days of our lives, Lunch bar oviaas , Spur steak ranches people with a taste for life, Debonairs try something amazing .

By saying etc you could mean there are too many examples or you don't know anymore examples.

Figuring out the answer to a question after you left it blank in exams and its too late .

When your foot is itching and you can't scratch it.

When you come up with clever things you could have said to someone after already arguing with them.

Snoozing your alarm clock so much that you end up getting ready for work 15 minutes before your shift starts while possibly panicking .

Being so introverted that you feel the need to have CPR performed on yourself before and after just a phone call.

Endurance is hearing the same song playing 12 times at work.

Faith is stealing some of your child's yoghurt in the hopes of them not throwing a tantrum if they were to find out.

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
Perm, Freelance, Part time
Cape Town, South Africa
Skill Level
English and Afrikaans
Creativepool member since 8 April 2021