Ruth Matthews Freelance Illustrator


An acrylic and ink painting on canvas inspired by the Astrological placement of Leo on the ascendant. The ascendant in astrology is technically where the sun was rising at the moment of birth. It changes every two hours throughout the day. My own natal chart has Leo Rising. When researching Esoteric (soul) Astrology as opposed to Exoteric (personality) Astrology it is noted that those with Leo rising have the Sun as the chart ruler. The Sun also rules on the Exoteric (personality) level. This only happens with Cancer (moon) and Leo.(Sun). All the other signs have different influences on different levels. It is worth noting however, the Esoteric (souL) Leo rising also stands with Neptune. Leo, symbolised by the Sun and the Lion, such majestic animals. The source image was taken in a zoo in India where they have rescued these Lions who clearly feel affection and respect together. I see this as the Soul and Personality supporting each other. I painted this in 2018 after years of not creating. It represents my realignment within myself and my drive to blossom into the creative I am meant to be. I've also placed some other Leo heart-shaped themes I've been inspired to create into this feature. I hope you enjoy!


  • Self MotivatedClient

Ruth Matthews has been a Contributor since 15th March 2021.

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Leo Rising

