Sompat Trisadikun Chief Creative Officer


Thai Health Promotion Foundation needed to find a way to remind people to stay sober and fully conscious in order to be able to fight through COVID-19 crisis.

While Thai people know the negative effects of alcohol, during COVID-19 crisis they still immerse themselves in various forms of entertainment including getting drunk, turning blind eye to the threats that COVID-19 brings upon their health and financial wellbeing. So we needed to find a way to get the attention from Thais who live and breathe entertainment.

We remade a famous legendary tale of the Drunken Master, the beloved Jackie Chan classic Kung Fu film dubbed in iconic Thai style voice over, but added a twist. The film shows how the Drunken Master’s life would become better and become successful in every angle, achieving goals, and be able to fight through crisis physically and financially after he quits depending on alcohol and stay fully conscious, resulting in a better life for himself and his whole family, and finally becoming the Undrunken Master of his own life. The film delightfully entertaining people to help them kung fu their way out of the alcohol bottle.

It reached more than 18 million people, became viral across the world beyond just advertising field. The film was featured in many PR articles and also featured in several anti-alcohol websites. resulting in 26% increase in the number of people officially pledging to quit alcohol with us this year more than last year.


  • Thai Health Promotion FoundationClient
Annual 2021 JudgeIllustration Project featured: on 13th January 2021 Contributor:

Sompat Trisadikun has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

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