About us

Once you’ve seen the power of email, you can’t help but believe in it. Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of e-commerce companies just like yours create consistent revenue through beautiful, effective email marketing design + strategy.

We’ll work one-on-one with you to build some gorgeous, on-brand emails worthy of your e-commerce store and set some silky smooth sales records while we’re at it.

We can help you with:

✔ Email Newsletters + Promos (Promotional Campaigns that actually get you the results and ROI you want for your business)

✔ Email Automation - Sequences - Flows (Abandoned Cart, Browse Abandonment, Post Purchase, Win Back, Welcome - Key flows that maximize your email ROI)

✔ Email Strategy + Consulting - What to send, to which segment/ audience, and when

✔ Klaviyo - Mailchimp - Shopify Set Up (Just getting started or thinking of moving? I've set up hundreds of accounts and can do everything you need to be up and running)

✔ Campaign Management + Optimization (No batch and blasting, carefully select who and when each campaign is going out for maximum results)

✔ Email & Template design ( Only the cleanest, most attractive, highly engaging, mobile-friendly email templates that suit your brand/business and draw the maximum engagement)

✔ Email Marketing audit and review (Ask me for an example of an audit I've completed, find out exactly where to improve, and get a blueprint of exactly where to start)

✔ Segmentation - (Advanced dynamic segmentation, not just standard who bought, etc.)

✔ A/B testing (Thorough split testing to get the perfect send time and content for maximum results)

✔ Product/ Brand Launches on Shopify, WordPress, and Magento (Launching a product soon and need it to go well? I've got you covered)


Email Marketing

Sector Experience


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Creativepool member since 5 October 2019