About me

My skills and enjoyment lie mainly in organising and getting things done and with my passion for the design and the creative arts I enjoy being able to input creatively where possible, such as running the art gallery at Pearlfisher and co-ordinating internal and external events. In my spare time I also enjoy writing my own blog for creative wedding ideas.

- Studio Manager at Pearlfisher design agency for 2 1/2 years.

- Manage schedules, work-flow and day to day running of studio of over 20 designers.

- PA to Creative Director.

- Manage freelance resource, ensuring up to date databases.

- General studio management; award entries, recruiting placements, stationary, sourcing photographers/illustrators.

- Managing internal events and projects.

- Central role within company managing personnel, building maintenance etc.

- Assisting with image sourcing, mood boards

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Looking for work
London, Stoke Newington, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Creativepool member since 20 August 2007