About me

I am a 24 year old Music Technology Graduate - HND Music Technology (Merit) and BA (Hons) Creative Music Technology & Production (First Class Honours) - and am proceeding onto a Masters in Digital Performance in September 2007.

My studies have provided me with excellent experience of working with other people such as performance artists, dancers, live and studio musicians, film producers etc. and I have also accomplished a great deal working by myself and by leading and managing productions and events.

I have written and recorded in a variety of different musical styles and my music has already been employed by Apple on a promotional video, chosen for fashion shows and by my University for official videos displayed on their website. I also have experience of foley recording and writing music for film, and am currently working on a score for an independent short film.

My creative interests also expand to art, design and film. Consequently, although my principal interest is in music I feel that my creative talents are highly flexible and can be adapted and applied in many different areas if needed.


GCSE Maths A*

GCSE English Lit A*

GCSE English Lang A*

GCSE French A*

GCSE Design A

GCSE Geography A

GCSE Russian A

GCSE Chemistry A

GCSE Biology A

GCSE Physics A

GCE Design A

GCE Mathematics B

GCE French B

HND Music Technology (Merit)

BA (Hons) Creative Music Technology & Production (First Class Honours)

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Freelance, Part time
Worcester/Doncaster, West Midlands/Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 10 August 2007