Sam Aylard Designer


On reflection of our previous brand and having talked to many of our customers and friends about it, there was a slight misconception that we are seen as a purely digital agency. This couldn’t be further from the truth, most of our team started out as print designers or in reprographics. Our skillset stems from a creative background, it’s just that we’ve grown with the industry and digital is a massive part of that today. With that being said, print still remains a huge part of our work and it’s our job to determine what mix is going to give you the right results. It’s this thinking and mindset we wanted to reflect in our new brand.

The new website needed to be a showcase of just that. We can create print design and we can create web design and on top of that we can create content for both. It was a chance to flex our creative muscles digitally as well. We didn’t want it to look like every other agency site that’s out there. So went about solving the problem of how an agency site should look in our own way. What we wanted was a website that was visually interesting to look around but easy enough to find what you wanted.

A simplistic and minimalistic site design is enhanced by the extra details, such as user and screen interactions. We felt these were important in taking the website to the next level and adding that bit of interest while navigating around the site. It’s those little animated surprises that makes clicking buttons and hovering over something a real joy.

Creativity on this website doesn’t end on a visual level. The development team have experimented with new technologies. When the site first loads, the content of every page is downloaded in the background meaning subsequent pages appear immediately when clicked. This also means the site works offline.

The CMS is extremely easy to use. This was a key factor for us as we want to update it regularly and speed is key to that. We use a customised version of WordPress that we call the ‘Widget Build’ and this allows us to create unique pages and update them quickly.

We may focus on three separate disciplines (design, development, content) but the team always works together to create the end result. From idea to design, then to development and finishing with copy, photography and video. It’s a project that was solely created in this studio and that we’re immensely proud of.

We want the website to show off the work we produce and the people behind who created it.


Project featured: on 8th February 2017

Website for The Hideout

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