About me

I have just completed a year of studying at Camberwell College of Arts (UAL) where my main interest was Illustraion. Throughout the year I was able to decide which Art path I wanted to develop my career in. Being interested in both Graphic Design and Illustration, it was hard for me to choose, however being stronger in my drawing and painting skills I decided to branch off in the direction of Illustration which I fell in love with. I am fascinated by the drawing process. I always liked testing my ability against challenges and competing with the work of others. I vividly remember one competition where I was accused of tracing a drawing which I created from direct observation. I lost the competition but gained an understanding that detail makes a drawing more realistic, alive, and believable. Since then I have drawn extensively and always aimed to show my abilities through using various techniques in my work to show textures, tonal variations and proportions. Studying Art has allowed me to further explore other ways of making images. By drawing I can express the way that my vision portrays a certain object through examining it. Doing this makes me concentrate on the main features of what I am observing. When drawing hair for example, I am able to pick out the different textures and portray how smooth it feels. I understand how subtle the line that is created with a pencil needs to be. I have participated in many events from a young age that provided me with positive experiences such as competing in many Art competitions against other schools. This made me realise what path that I wanted to follow. My attempt to work hard in my Art lessons soon put me on the "Gifted and Talented," list which provided me with more faith in myself. Being a part of the AttRAct programme which is organised by the Royal Academy, I feel that my team-work skills have widely improved through presenting ideas or organising different projects both as a team member and independently. I feel that meeting different artists has also given me the chance to develop my artistic skills and continue to understand art techniques even further. On my work experience I have worked with an Interior Designer and examined how you can make a room look completely different within a short period of time. This activity would involve examining materials containing colours and patterns which could be paired with particular objects such as different types of furniture, making great contrasts that were not seen before. I was also involved in face painting events a couple of times where I used my communication skills to connect with the person and used my painting skills to produce exciting and colourful designs. One of my projects included designing a logo for a school which made me compete with other students. This was an enjoyable experience as it has given me the opportunity to use my creative side and to produce something creative and eye-catching under the pressure of time. The challenge was to impress the teachers working in the school and represent the school community well by thinking about how the logo could apply to this particular school. I want to further develop my skills and expand my understanding of Illustration. I am keen on providing a lot of positive energy as well as ideas and have the skills to carry out independent research.

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London, United Kingdom
Polish, English.
Creativepool member since 27 January 2017