About me

I'm a 25 years old young Product Designer from Taipei, Taiwan currently study at Northumbria in Master of Design. I am passionate about products that involves design and aesthetics especially for electronics.

I had one-year experience in each working and internships as a designer or assistant in Taiwanese company, and able to work with ProE, Keyshot, Photoshop, Illustrator as well as Microsoft appliances, which helped me to develop my skills and have a well understanding from the beginning of conceptual to deliver a quality outcome. I used to be taught how to make product differently in functional and featured, it led my last project to have a new learning that have a good understanding in Human-centred design, Emotional design. I believe that design is not only designing a commercial product but also delivering a multi-lever emotions to people that allow them feel it and use it.


3D Design, 3D Modeling, Graphic Design, illustrator, Photoshop, Product Design, Product Development, UX/UI

Sector Experience

Modelling, Product Design

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Looking for work
Tagged Job Titles
Perm, Freelance, Temp-Perm, Part time, Remote
Newcastle, United Kingdom
Skill Level
Junior, Middleweight, Senior, Director
English, Mandarin
Creativepool member since 8 November 2016