Stanimir Kolev PM /​ Creative Designer


As a result of implementing Project Smiles UK, MAV UK expects to engage the community, which will have positive impact on people and will create safe and communal experience with therapeutic properties.
The new project aim is to create a self-generated consistent income, which will help MAV to become self-efficient and offer equal opportunities to people in disadvantage and ex-offenders, to develop and succeed.
The above can only be achieved via extending the existing community centre to provide a save space for education, development, work experience and rehabilitation.
The self-efficiency of the project will help MAVUK to become sustainable model that generates opportunities for the future generations.


  • Patsy Mav McKieClient
studiopro:Stanimir was verified as a studiopro on 18th November 2022 Contributor:

Stanimir Kolev has been a Contributor since 12th March 2021.

Invite x3

People for Change


Excellent design work. Love the whole idea.

* Ian Swanston
MAV UK Trustee at Morhers Against Violence UK (MAV UK)
26 Mar 2021
