About me

Hello, my name is Walter but you can call me Woolly. I'm a creative professional with 18+ years experience with a background in pretty much all fields of design and communication — advertising, branding, corporate identity, copywriting, illustration, marketing strategy, online editing, packaging, web design... been there, done that.

I have worked in 3 different countries, 4 cities and 3 languages long enough to fully understand those specific markets. My core strength now resides in developing captivating branding, corporate identity and packaging designs that meet or exceed client expectations. Thanks to the amazing agencies that I've worked for, I've been awarded several awards for illustration and packaging as well as collaborated to win countless pitches.

My modus operandi is simple — relentless pursuit of excellence — if that's the way you approach your business or project then I think you and I are long overdue for a chat!

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08002, Spain, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 3 July 2007