About me

As an adaptable, dependable and committed individual I am happy to deal with pressurised situations including those that require attention and dedication to several tasks at once shown in my ability to tackle both University and work commitments. Having worked in various organisations my ability to deal with people from all different backgrounds and levels of abilities has given me confidence and capabilities to become accustomed to a wide variety of situations and quickly change to suit the circumstances. I pride myself on making sure I complete the tasks I start to a high standard which is something that has been with me, and strengthened, during my education and working life. I am looking to focus myself on making a career and look to progress within a company that is looking to match the commitments I intend to provide to a prospective employer.


3D Design, art, creativity, leadership, time management, transferable skills

Sector Experience

Communications, Design

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Essex, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 10 May 2016