Wolfstreet Amsterdam


When the polygamous temptations are too great, the advice of a priest can be enlightening. The sinner confesses, the priest forgives. It is considered convenient that the two men are on the same (musical) page though.

English translation:
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

I have always been faithful to her.
Never has there been another one.
However, I cannot suppress my feelings anymore.
Her curves..
Her neck..
Her sweet smell..
Deep down in my heart, I’m longing to play with her all day long.
She makes this sound..
When I take her in my arms..
And my fingers caress her..


Izhar Elias’ musical adultery.
Flamenco | Electric | Classical

Dutch Music Prize winner Izhar Elias presents a special TRACKS concert along with four world-class guitarists. It will be a romantic and exciting Spanish evening. Spanish pieces will get an entirely different twist by adding pure flamenco and electric guitar.


  • The Royal ConcertgebouwClient
Project featured: on 30th August 2016

TRACKS | Izhar Elias | Webcommercial

