Justin Malko Executive Producer, Bloomberg Studio


We believe that there is a common language that unites financial professionals—and that language is data.

The Bloomberg Terminal – and its iconic interface – has defined the industry standard for financial data and analytics. To demonstrate the richness and complexity of what we deliver, we have developed a visual language based on the Bloomberg Terminal. We call it data dimensionalized.

The challenge: We needed a very large image bank that could translate across mobile, web, video, print and events, work across all our financial products and stay fresh over time.

The solution: Computer generated (CG) images. We developed a system, fed by graphics, particles, grids, charts and financial data, derived from data and images on the Bloomberg Terminal, controlled by a set of parameters and randomized in 3-D space. The animation was then captured from a variety of camera angles, frame-by-frame, generating more than 30,000 unique visuals.


Project featured: on 27th February 2018

Bloomberg | Financial Brands Image Library

