Campaign: [TV] Jagermeister: "Craft The Moment" Agency: The Red Brick Road

Artist: Bill B | Style: Black & White Sketch

The UK’s Number One best-selling speciality spirit, Jagermeister, is a product unlike any other; the result of determination, hard work, discipline and the perfect balance of 56 ingredients. It was this combination of creativity and craft that lead advertising agency, The Red Brick Road towards ‘Craft The Moment’ – a campaign intended to mirror the founding qualities of Jagermeister.

Drawing inspiration from iconic events such as Burning Man, The Red Brick Road developed a concept that genuinely combined the brand with craft, creativity, friendship and hard work; the construction of a Jagermeister’s iconic stag, 14-metres high and built with a selection of the ingredients used in each bottle. The agency’s creative team approached the Three Blind Mice studio to visualise their idea, which follows a group of friends assembling the stag, before the sun sets between its antlers, and the group celebrate their achievement with Jagermeister. Senior Project Manager, Rob T and artist Bill developed a series of black and white frames that effectively capture the atmosphere and essence of craft.

We hear the finished commercial, acoss a five-day shoot, featured real artists (not actors) and required a few hundred kilos of ingredients, including star anise, cinammon and orange peel. The voice over states; “The moment exists only because of all the craft and hard work that comes before it,” and it’s fair to say that this not only applies to the brand, but the advertising campaign itself. Great work, The Red Brick Road!


Project featured: on 29th June 2018

Crafting The Moment For Jagermeister

