Cocoon Leicester


Travamigos is a travel orientated app currently focused towards gap-year students who wish to travel the world and experience once in a lifetime adventures — but don't want to travel alone.

The focus of the interface design looked primarily at providing an easy-to-use system which felt authentic, friendly and safe. The dominant aim was to allow for an easy solution to finding the trip of a lifetime whilst making friends before departing. With that mind, the 'Discover' section of the app allows users to easily identify trending destinations and trip types. Clear markers for the search were core to ensure the user can begin searching for their perfect trip without getting lost within the app.

Upon liaising with focus groups early on — we were able to establish a design aesthetic which matched these core attributes. Taking influence from the recent updated iOS11 style-guides, the design uses large headers and clear navigation to direct the user whilst also providing a familiar and safe experience.

Upon launch — the app received 10,000 downloads within the first month and is growing steadily. Current audience is the UK market but are looking to expand towards the American market by year two.

An extensive road map is in place with additional features such as a scheduling system, achievement stickers, Pro subscriptions which will include trip discounts and a route tracker.


Annual 2018 BronzeTravamigos iOS AppApplication

Travamigos iOS App

  • 2226
  • 2
  • 0
