About me

I would like to be considered for this role because the power of language, media and advertising fascinates me. I have a deep love for the written word and have spent years honing my craft through diverse writing experience. Studying English Literature at degree level taught me how to write in a critical, academic manner where adhering to guidelines and regulations was imperative. Upon graduating, I have worked for an indie publishing house, first as a novelist, then as a proof-reader/editor, then a blogger, building on the skillset I acquired during my degree. Writing for the publishing house's blog also gave me an understanding of SEO requirements.

Through the versatile art of written expression I have learnt how to engage, persuade, stir and hook, as well as the importance of adjusting tone according to audience and objective. I always welcome criticism to push my skills even further however, and am constantly exploring and asking questions to develop myself.

I am a fiction writer in my spare time, having released one novel and two short stories so far. As a storyteller, I am perpetually giving thought to the potency of language and my choice of words, even through something as simple as sending a text message, showing just how tethered I am to the power of communication. Writing is a narcotic for me. Creativity is my lifeblood. Not working or being creative tends to leave me restless.

I feed off fast-paced environments typical of copywriting roles. The word 'deadline' makes me both excited and nervous, an "I-know-I-can-knock-this-out-of-the-park-if-I-work-hard-enough" kind of excited nervous.

I hope to be given the opportunity to utilise my passion and skills for your company. My salary expectations for this role are £16-20,000 per annum.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.

Kind regards,

Khalid Patel

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Looking for work
Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 29 December 2014