Pedro Garcia Graphic Designer


Kidz Green Stuff is a magical three day festival for pre-teenage children and their parents. The event provides a mixture of fun and education for children and includes a special day for children with special needs and their families, friends and carers. The festival has a very clearly defined market: it has been run since 2007 and attracts each year between 7,500 and 8,500 people from a wide area of the south east of England ... and grows each year in content and attendance. Kidz Green Stuff creates a world of entertainment for the audience to explore and learn, by creatively blending simple fun with practical learning through activities and demonstrations. The event takes place in Horsham Park, which is immediately adjacent to the town centre and within easy reach of the train and bus station and public car parks. In addition the event has its own car park within the grounds of Horsham Park.


  • Terbell LtdClient
Project featured: on 12th January 2016

Kidz Green Stuff 2016

