About me

Ive spent 15 years working at companies like Haygarth, Iris and Momentum running the creative services departments and more recently operation directors roles for Momentum. I have rebuilt creative departments, put in place and policed new processes to enable us to be more profitable and productive, and completely rebuilt briefing templates for every discipline within Momentum. I have worked hard with HR to introduce a new reviewing process so everyone has clear objectives, whilst working hard along side finance to make sure we are all rewarded for our efforts and are making as much money as possible. I have spent hours resourcing and scoping projects from as small as an invitation to as large as integrated multi platform and global toolkits, events and campaigns for brands like Sony Xperia, Adidas, William Grant and Sons, Nestlé, Coke, Microsoft and ABI brands like Stella and Budweiser.

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United Kingdom
Creativepool member since 9 April 2014