About me

Creative thinker and maker. Founder of Mother Matter Arthaus in its puberty. General interest in medieval pictorial representation (eastern orthodox) and medieval sacral architecture (not eastern orthodox), transhumanism, time travel, dynamic architecture of chaos and rupture, graffiti art, ideas of vanity. Artist by night, designer by day. The 4th way. Design by change, change by design.

Looking to collaborate on public/public space art projects, graffiti art, interior design proposals, social justice and political visual representations, biodesign, creative direction & instructional and experience design (UX).


Brand / Logo Design, Desktop Publishing, Exhibition Design, instructional design, Interactive Design, Print Design, Project Design, UX/UI

Sector Experience

Arts, Communications, Creative Services, Design, Fine Art, Painting & Sculpture, Government, Healthcare, Information & Advice, International, UI / UX

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
United Kingdom
English, French, Polish
Creativepool member since 11 February 2014