Alessandro Miasi Senior Creative Copywriter


The Brief

Nicotinell gum and lozenges help smokers quit. In the UK, the market is saturated with competitive products with similar names (creating ‘Nico-confusion’), so Nicotinell needed to cut through with a different strategy and creative approach, rather than common messages about the health benefits of quitting.
The Idea

Every smoker knows there are one or two daily habitual cigarettes they can do without. Rather than focus on the obvious health benefits of giving up, this campaign highlighted the seemingly trivial benefits that could lead to bigger and better things - each step improbable, but possible – from just quitting just one cigarette. For example, when you don’t have that cigarette while walking your dog, you have a free hand to wave at a neighbour, get invited inside for tea and cake, make a new bestie, find out he works for the space program, and select you to walk on the moon. Because great things can happen when you sacrifice a cigarette.

The campaign included three online films (also used for pre-rolls and social content), digital media, print and responsive website.

The results

The campaign has already featured on Ads Of The World, Little Black Book Online, David Reviews (where it received 5-stars) and The Drum re-posted the ‘Moon’ film as ‘Ad of the Day’.


  • NicotinellClient
Project featured: on 21st February 2016

Sacrifice A Cigarette (Integrated)

