About me

I am looking to get into Advertising on the account management side. I am passionate about starting a career in this industry. I have a deep interest in the creation of brands through advertising and marketing, specifically in the relationship between the brand and consumer. My main interest is in the consumer, their minds and how to relate to them. I believe the advertising industry will be a hugely exciting place to be over the next few decades. The internet, interactive television and the spread of digital media streams poses a great challenge to the industry that needs to be met and overcome creatively. Importantly for me the choice that consumers now have over what they are exposed to means that even greater attention needs to be paid to their desires and behaviour. I find this extremely interestingly and it is the business i want to make my career in. I really believe i can be successful in this industry and am looking to get into it on the account management side, which suits the skills and attributes i have.

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London, Islington, United Kingdom
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Creativepool member since 12 September 2006