About me

I have a wealth of design experience and whilst my current position is in a niche role, I have been fortunate to work with and build relationships with a range other businesses to ensure that I have a variety of experiences and continued development in my design skills. My flexibility of design and on-going creativity has directly led to proven commercial results for many of my clients.

I am looking to further enhance my design work, by actively looking for a new role, where I am able to use my innovative ideas to produce a high level of quality both in design and production.

Avid supporter of both local and National arts and literature.Great appreciation and interest in wide ranging number of Sports.

Also involved with a number of local businesses developing ideas and visuals for promotional use.

I love to travel, exploring new cultures and meeting new people. Amateur Photographer. Currently learning Spanish.

Currently No Recommendations
Looking for work
St.Albans, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Skill Level
English, Basic Spanish
Creativepool member since 12 July 2011