Paz Moreno Interior Designer and Textile Designer


Major Project of my Masters in Interior Design at London Metropolitan University (The Cass).
Awarded "Best Portfolio" by my Tutors and Head of School, 2019.

My intention with this project is to bring to life the original purpose of the Listed 91-101 Worship Street buildings by Philip Webb, providing commercial and workshop spaces for makers.
My proposal is a Makers ́ Incubator, a residency space, where makers could live and work increasing their expertise and developing their personal brand, receiving guidance from professionals about practicalities from the business side and mentoring to become independent makers with a well set up running business.
Presenting the buildings as a celebration of hand made goods, championing and promoting makers and their products, making a statement of the importance of sustainable making, local makers and materials, and the authenticity against the high street and mass-produced goods.
Also, offering space for people to gather, creating community and place making, with a building that could become a symbol and a meeting point for creatives, activities, individuals and families.
The Interior Design-The Palimpsest approach
My approach to the Listed buildings 91-101 Worship Street is from a Historic preservation which “(...) requires a focus on reducing the use of newer materials in buildings and a greater appreciation for the use of older materials in structures (...) reducing (therefore) the footprint of a building” (Asher, J. and Blossom N. 2015:382)
My aim with the interior design is to “Honour the changes” and to “preserve, restore, adapt and interpret” the buildings by showing the layers of use which are part of their history and building soul, enhancing the remaining features and demolishing the excessive “modern” internal partitions that suffocate the spaces, opening them to a more reasonable and contemporary space design.
The interiors are thoughtfully designed to inspire, letting the buildings and its layers talk about its previous lives, activities and habitants, showing their palimpsest and remaining features, and using thoughtful sustainable and durable pieces of furniture to fill the space, transforming it into a place full of natural materials, outstanding design and quality, without eclipsing the honest and genuine simplicity of the building and its design.


"Worship Street Makers". Best Portfolio Award

