Patrick Low Patrick Low


OCBCCares is the Corporate Social Responsibility arm of OCBC Bank.
To launch the OCBC arboretum in print, we ran two full page ads in the Straits Times. The first ad highlighted the consequences of concrete jungles devoid of trees followed by the introduction of OCBC Arboretum, a forest of 2000 endangered trees to tackle global warming by absorbing 80 million kg of CO₂.
Through this direct and concise messaging, recall of the OCBC Cares brand was closely associated with protecting the environment and newly launched OCBC Arboretum at Singapore’s Botanic Gardens. These print ads contributed to the overall success of the #OCBCCares Environment Campaign (Tomorrow’s Ours to Save) in creating a preference for banking with OCBC because of its green branding, with 32% of people exposed to the ad believing that OCBC is proactive in implementing sustainability initiative.


  • Isabella ChiaClient

Who pooled - The OCBC Arboretum