Patrick Cannon Creative Director/​Copywriter


The brief.
The Late Late Toy Show is one of the TV highlights of the year for Irish kids big and small. And with the world in turmoil (thanks to a little thing called Covid), it was particularly important that everyone should get the chance to escape from it all with a little bit of Christmas magic, global pandemic or not.

The strategy.
With the country in lockdown, we wanted to reassure the nation that the show would, of course, go on.

The solution.
We told the story of a young girl whose Toy Show tradition, was to watch it with her cousins. However, this year, with the country in lockdown, the tradition was under threat. But nothing can stop a good Toy Show tradition, and so her family rallied around her, pulling out all the stops to make sure that even though she couldn’t have her cousins round, they could still be together for a magical start to the Christmas season.


  • RTEClient

Who pooled - RTE - The Late Late Toy Show